Treefolk [Tribal]

Treefolk [Tribal] (Visual)

This is a 38 card sub-deck. It is added to the 68 card Main Tribal Deck. Remove the 6 creatures there.

Creatures (29):
Canker Abomination Doran, the Siege Tower Old Ghastbark Sapling of Colfenor Black Poplar Shaman Thorntooth Witch Argothian Treefolk Crabapple Cohort Dauntless Dourbark Deadwood Treefolk Everbark Shaman Foxfire Oak Gaea's Avenger Ghoultree Leaf-Crowned Elder Lumberknot Magnigoth Treefolk Oakgnarl Warrior Orchard Warden Redwood Treefolk Seedguide Ash Timber Protector Unstoppable Ash Verdeloth the Ancient Weatherseed Treefolk Wickerbough Elder Woodfall Primus Yavimaya Ancients Indomitable Ancients

Spells (3):
Hidden Ancients Reach of Branches Rootgrapple

Mana / Mana Accel. (6):
Overgrown Tomb Temple Garden Stomping Ground Murmuring Bosk Weatherseed Totem Bosk Banneret

Sideboard (Omitted/Cut card ideas):
Nemata, Grove Guardian Breeding Pool Ebony Treefolk Heartwood Storyteller Treefolk Harbinger Wormwood Treefolk Mirrorwood Treefolk Blanchwood Treefolk